AGM 2023

The AGM of the Windmill Hill Community Association and the Windmill Hill Social Club will be held on Thursday 28th September commencing at 8pm. The bar will be open at 7pm.

All memberships become due on 30th September so we would encourage you to attend the AGM and renew your membership at the same time. Existing members who renew their membership before the meeting starts will get a free drink! You can renew memberships after this date but if they’re not renewed within a month then a new membership will have to be applied for and the one off £1 ‘share’ will have to be paid again.

The AGM is to report on the past year at the Community Centre, and to receive and review the financial accounts. Notices are up on the noticeboard at the Community Centre in case we do not have a member’s email address.

Please try your best to attend – your Community Centre is run by volunteers and needs your support!

Any queries, please get in touch on

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