Do you like board games? The Windmill Hill Community Centre certainly* like board games. COME AND PLAY BOARD GAMES WITH US!
We’ll be hauling Ikea bags full of games down to the club THIS SATURDAY 2ND FEBRUARY at 19:30 to bring people together, drink beer, and play some of the finest in modern cardboard games!
No experience necessary. We’ll teach you rules. Or if you have your own games to bring along, please teach us! Bring your friends! Or come on your own and join a table. We’ll make sure you don’t go funless!
As to what you’ll be playing – Between us, we’ve got more games than we can possibly drag up, so we’ll be bringing a balanced mix of all different kinds of fun in an Ikea bag or two. If you want to talk collections, get in touch… It’d be a shame to turn up wanting to play Cosmic Encounter or Azul only to find we’ve left it at home!
See you there! Rain or snow!
*Like, perhaps a little bit too much. Some people like the smell of old wine. Some people like the smell of a new book. The Windmill Hill Community Centre likes the smell of a freshly opened box of cardboard tokens and little wooden cubes. Even the little ‘pffrt’ noise is symphony.